Project Operating Room Floor

Provide over a 3-day weekend, a seamless epoxy floor with 6″ cove base after blasting to existing concrete for a 400 square foot hospital operating room.

- Surface prep and removal of underlayment, a sheet vinyl terrazzo, with an EDCO grinder with scrape-away heads
- Blast off vinyl mastic to clean concrete using an 8″ Blastrac shot blaster
- Saw-cut concrete from the doorway to 3/16″ with Toshiba circular saw with dust collector
- Chip out concrete from doorway with Bosch 11305 chipping hammer
- Prime floor with Dur-A-Glaze #4 Damp Primer, which is roller-applied with 9″ rollers
- Install 6″ cove base around perimeter of room using a mixture of Dur-A-Quartz Q28-17 and Dur-A-Glaze #4 Fast Cure Epoxy
- Skim coat floor with Dur-A-Flex Fast Cure Epoxy using Marshalltown 18″ flat trowels
- Trowel floor with Dur-A-Flex KitchenResin to a mil thickness of 3/32″.
- Mix Q28-17 with larger sized stone to gauge for the thickness and hand broadcast on floor refusal
- Apply topcoat of Dur-A-Glaze #5 to 16 mils using 12″ flat Dur-A-Flex squeegees
- Hand-stone cured topcoat with Dur-A-Flex Rub Stone, a concrete rubbing stone, to take peaks off quartz sand
- Apply second coat of Dur-A-Glaze #5 to 10 or 11 mils using 12″ flat Dur-A-Flex squeegees
- Hand-stone cured topcoat with Dur-A-Flex Rub Stone, a concrete rubbing stone, to take peaks off the quartz sand.
- Apply third coat of Glaze #5 to 8 mils.
- Apply additional topcoat with Glaze #5 and Dur-A-Grip additive
Prime Client
Hartford Hospital
80 Seymore Street
Hartford, CT 06102
Size of Flooring/Coatings Crew
Six total – two, three-man crews on alternating days.
Concrete deck.
Approximately 400 square feet.
Three days – Friday night to Sunday night
Substrate Condition
Previous flooring over concrete was approximately 10 years old.
Unusual Factors

- Time constraint of working over a 3-day weekend
- All equipment had to be cleaned and wrapped in plastic for moving through the hospital to the fourth floor work area
- All equipment had to be staged inside the small work area with shared workers
- Workers were required to wipe down all equipment prior and to and following each work time to minimize dust in hospital
- Workers were required to wear hospital gowns, caps, face masks, and booties while moving through the hospital to minimize the spread of dust and germs
Safety Considerations

- Minimize amount of dust, germs, and noise while moving through the hospital as well as the work area.
- Work in tight quarters with three-men crew and work equipment
- Shot blast safely in small work areas.
- Operate circular saw and chipping hammer safely in small work area.